moving iron instruments
Moving Iron Instrument | Advantages & Disadvantages

Moving Iron Instrument There are indicating instrument which are used to measure current & voltage. In moving iron instrument the movable system consists of one or more pieces of specially-…

Measuring instruments
Classification of Measuring Instruments

      Classification of measuring instruments :- The instruments are used for measuring the unknown quantity. These instruments are used for the measurement of the electrical quantities like voltage, current,…

Static Characteristics of Instruments
Static Characteristics of Instruments

Static Characteristics of Instruments The set of criteria defined for the instruments, which are used to measure the quantities which are slowly varying with time or mostly constant, i.e. ;…

Hot Wire Instrument
Hot Wire Instrument | Construction & Working

Hot Wire Instrument The instruments which use the heating of the current for knowing their magnitude such type of instrument is known as the hot wire instrument. It work on…

PMMC Instrument || Construction & Working || Advantages & Disadvantages

PMMC A permanent magnet moving coil instrument can measure DC voltage & current. The working principle of these instrument is the same as that of the D' Arsonval type of…