Static Characteristics of Instruments
Static Characteristics of Instruments

Static Characteristics of Instruments The set of criteria defined for the instruments, which are used…

Single Phase Induction Type Energy Meter
Single Phase Induction Type Energy Meter

Single Phase Induction Type Energy Meter Single phase energy meter are used for measurement for electrical…

MOSFET | Working Principle | V-I Characteristics & Applications
MOSFET | Working Principle | V-I Characteristics & Applications

MOSFET The MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) transistor is a semiconductor device that is…

Electrical Resonance Type Frequency Meter
Electrical Resonance Type Frequency Meter

Frequency Meter A frequency meter is a device used to measure the frequency of an…

Hot Wire Instrument
Hot Wire Instrument | Construction & Working

Hot Wire Instrument The instruments which use the heating of the current for knowing their…

PMMC Instrument Construction & Working Advantages & Disadvantages
Permanent Magnet Moving Coil | Construction and Working

PMMC A permanent magnet moving coil instrument can measure DC voltage & current. The working…

Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)
Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)

Bipolar Junction Transistor A bipolar junction transistor is a three terminal semiconductor device consists of…

Explain Construction and Working of Autotransformer
Explain Construction and Working of Autotransformer

Autotransformer An autotransformer is a type of electrical transformer with only one winding. In an…