Division of Labour | Main Forms, Advantages, and Favourable Conditions
Division of Labour | Main Forms, Advantages, and Favourable Conditions

Introduction Adam Smith came up with the idea that people should do what they're best at. For instance, a cook should cook, and a professor should teach. This way, everyone…

Capital | Features, Classification, Functions, and Efficiency
Capital | Features, Classification, Functions, and Efficiency

Capital Capital is a crucial factor in production. In everyday language, we often use terms like wealth, capital, and money interchangeably. However, in economics, capital refers to the portion of…

Financial management | Types, Objectives, Functions and Career
Financial management | Types, Objectives, Functions and Career

Definition Financial management is like being the money boss of a business. Whether it's a small shop or a big company, someone has to handle all the cash stuff. This…

Piezoresistive | Construction, Working, Advantages, and Application
Piezoresistive | Construction, Working, Advantages, and Application

Piezoresistive Piezoresistive materials are substances that exhibit changes in electrical resistance when subjected to mechanical stress or strain. This property makes them particularly useful in sensor applications for measuring pressure,…

Demand Forecasting Features, Uses, Purpose, and Methods
Demand Forecasting | Features, Uses, Purpose, and Methods

A forecast, particularly in the context of demand forecasting, is a prediction or estimation of a future event that is most likely to happen under given conditions. In a world…

Energy Conservation | Principle, Importance, and Benefits
Energy Conservation | Principle, Importance and Its Benefits

Introduction Energy conservation means using less energy by being smarter with how we use it. This can involve using energy in better ways or changing our habits to use less,…

Norton,s Theorem
Norton’s Theorem

Circuit Theorem Circuit theorems are fundamental principles and mathematical techniques utilized in the analysis and solution of electrical circuits. Derived from the laws and principles of electrical circuit theory, such…

DIAC | Construction, Working, and V-I Characteristics
DIAC | Construction | Working and V-I Characteristics

DIAC DIAC can be abbreviated as Diode for alternating current. A DIAC is a bidirectional device that can be conducts in either a positive or negative direction. Basically, DIAC is…

Thermocouple, types of thermocouple, thermocouple principle, thermocouple sensor, thermocouple diagram
What is Thermocouple | Construction & Working Principle

Thermocouple A thermocouple is the junction of two dissimilar metals. It is used to measure temperature difference between two points. The material used in junction wires is iron- constantan or…

Comparison Between Microeconomics and Macroeconomics

S.No. Microeconomics Macroeconomics1.Microeconomics focuses on the choices made by individual consumers.Macroeconomics studies the economic progress and steps taken by a nation.2.It studies the particular market segment of the economy.It studies…