Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) | Types, Working Principle, And Construction
Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) In industrial, commercial, and domestic buildings sometimes leakage to earth…
Overvoltage Protection | Internal and External Causes Of Overvoltage
Introduction Voltages more significant than typical voltages are called overvoltages. These may affect the power…
Biogas Plant | Selection, Classification, and Advantages
Biogas Plant A biogas plant is a facility that converts organic waste into biogas through…
Non-Renewable Energy Sources
Non-Renewable Energy Sources The sources of energy that can get exhausted and can never be…
Solar Cookers | Working Principle, Construction, and Applications
Solar Cookers Solar cookers are devices that use sunlight to cook food. They come in…
Electric Traction | Speed-Time Curve
Electric Traction The movement of vehicles by electrical energy is known as Electric Traction. In…
DIAC | Construction | Working and V-I Characteristics
DIAC DIAC can be abbreviated as Diode for alternating current. A DIAC is a bidirectional…
Dual Converter | Introduction, Operation Mode and Application
Dual Converter A dual converter is generally used to get reversible DC for a given…
TRIAC | Construction, Working and V-I Characteristics
TRIAC An SCR can be conducted in only one direction. So only the positive half…