Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion | Working Principle and Types
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) is a renewable energy technology that…
Magnetic Field | Introduction | Effects
Introduction of Magnetic Field The area around a magnetic pole or a magnet within which…
Renewable Energy Sources
Renewable Energy Sources The sources of energy that can never get exhausted i.e. they can…
Energy Management | Need and Environmental Aspects
Energy Management The term energy management refers to the saving of energy. This notably means…
Norton’s Theorem
Circuit Theorem Circuit theorems are fundamental principles and mathematical techniques utilized in the analysis and…
Modern Grid | Characteristics and Functions
Modern Grid A modern grid is also known as a Smart grid. For advance technology…
DIAC | Construction | Working and V-I Characteristics
DIAC DIAC can be abbreviated as Diode for alternating current. A DIAC is a bidirectional…
Advantages | Disadvantages and Applications of Electric Power
Electric power is defined by current or the flow of electric charge and voltage or…
Relay | Construction and Working
Relay A relay is a protective device that basically detects the fault in a transmission…
Stand Alone PV System | Schematics and its Components
Stand Alone PV System A standalone solar electrical system is one that uses only solar…