Microsensor | Working Principle, Types, and Applications
Microsensor | Working Principle, Types, and Applications

Introduction A microsensor is a minuscule device built to sense and measure specific physical properties like temperature, pressure, light, or chemicals. Imagine a tiny gadget that acts as a super-sensitive…

Superposition Theorem | Procedure, Limitations, and Applications
Superposition Theorem | Procedure, Limitations, and Applications

Introduction The superposition theorem states that the voltage or current in any part of a linear circuit with multiple sources is equal to the sum of the voltages or currents caused…

Reciprocity Theorem | Statement, Limitations, and Applications
Reciprocity Theorem | Statement, Limitations, and Applications

Introduction The reciprocity theorem in electrical networks says that if you have a bunch of paths for electricity to flow in a circuit, the current in one specific path due…

Globalisation | Dimensions, Causes, Merits, and Demerits
Globalisation | Dimensions, Causes, Merits, and Demerits

Introduction Globalization means that countries are becoming more connected to the global economy. In the case of underdeveloped countries like India, this is important because it can help improve their…

Privatisation | Measures, Causes, Objectives, and Advantages
Privatisation | Measures, Causes, Objectives, and Advantages

Introduction In the late 20th century, many countries, including India, saw a shift towards privatization, moving away from socialist economic models. This shift was influenced by the economic troubles faced…

Production | Methods, Factors, and Importance
Production | Methods, Factors, and Importance

Introduction In economics, the term "production" doesn't refer to the creation of physical goods, but rather to the process of enhancing the utility or value of existing resources. This concept…

Division of Labour | Main Forms, Advantages, and Favourable Conditions
Division of Labour | Main Forms, Advantages, and Favourable Conditions

Introduction Adam Smith came up with the idea that people should do what they're best at. For instance, a cook should cook, and a professor should teach. This way, everyone…

Capital | Features, Classification, Functions, and Efficiency
Capital | Features, Classification, Functions, and Efficiency

Capital Capital is a crucial factor in production. In everyday language, we often use terms like wealth, capital, and money interchangeably. However, in economics, capital refers to the portion of…

Financial management | Types, Objectives, Functions and Career
Financial management | Types, Objectives, Functions and Career

Definition Financial management is like being the money boss of a business. Whether it's a small shop or a big company, someone has to handle all the cash stuff. This…

Piezoresistive | Construction, Working, Advantages, and Application
Piezoresistive | Construction, Working, Advantages, and Application

Piezoresistive Piezoresistive materials are substances that exhibit changes in electrical resistance when subjected to mechanical stress or strain. This property makes them particularly useful in sensor applications for measuring pressure,…