Two Cavity Klystron Amplifier | Working, Operation and Performance
Two Cavity Klystron Amplifier The two-cavity klystron is a widely used microwave amplifier operated by…
TCSC | Operation, Analysis, and Control
TCSC A Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) is a series FACTS device used as a…
Improving Coverage and Capacity in Cellular System
Introduction Improving Coverage and Capacity in Cellular System was the first cellular mobile telephone network…
8085 Architecture | Exploring Its Different Units
8085 Architecture Intel is firstly created the Intel 8085, in 1977. It has potential to…
Static Phase Shifting Transformer | Configurations and Improvement
Introduction Static Phase Shifting Transformer or Phase-shifting transformers (PST) have been in use since the…
SVC | Controller and Protective Functions
SVC Controller The block diagram of the basic SVC Controller incorporating a voltage regulator is…
Harmonics | General, Interactions, and Filters
General The harmonics in an SVC are generated by the TCR. Neither TSC nor TSR…
Interference | Types and Their Effects
Interference It is (countable and uncountable, plural Interference)—the mutual reference between two or more things.…
Ultrasonic Flow Meter | Principle Operation, Working, and Installation
Introduction An Ultrasonic Flow Meter measures the flow of liquid without touching it, using sound…