Unified Power Flow Controller | Control, Protection, and Charactersitcs
UPFC The Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) proposed by Gyugyi is the most versatile FACTS…
Layout of Substations | Types, Advantages and Applications
Introduction A substation is a crucial part of an electrical supply system that helps transfer…
Starting of Electric Drive | Effect, Methods, and Energy Relations
Introduction The most important processes associated with a controlled electrical drive are: (i) Starting (ii)…
Multiple Access Techniques for Wireless Communication
Multiple Access Techniques Multiple Accessing is also called Multiple Destinations because the transmission from each…
STATCOM | Static Synchronous Compensator
Introduction Static Synchronous Compensator was developed as an advanced static VAR compensator where a voltage…
SSSC | Operation, Modelling, and Applications
SSSC The Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) is a series-connected FACTS controller based on VSC…
Drives | Types and Comparison Between AC Drives and DC Drives
Drives A drive is an electrical or electronic device used to control the speed and…