Difference Between A.C. and D.C.
Alternating Current (A.C.) In alternating current, the electric charge flow changes its direction periodically. The…
Advantages | Disadvantages and Applications of Electric Power
Electric power is defined by current or the flow of electric charge and voltage or…
Electrical Energy | It’s Unit and Examples
Although it is a crucial idea in physics, electrical energy is commonly misinterpreted. What then…
Relay | Construction and Working
Relay A relay is a protective device that basically detects the fault in a transmission…
Multivibrator | Classification of Multivibrator
Introduction to Multivibrator Multivibrator is wave shaping circuit which generates non sinusoidal waves called Multivibrator.…
Operational Amplifier | OP-AMP Basic
Introduction An operational amplifier (OP-AMP) is a very stable amplifier that can be used for…
Substation | Classification of Substations
Substation A substation is part of an electrical power system that is used to transform…
Heat Engine | Internal Combustion Engine
Heat Engine Heat engine is a device which convert heat energy by means of chemical…
Difference Between AC and DC Welding
Welding Welding is joining two materials, like thermoplastics or metals, at a high temperature by…
FACTS Controller | Types of FACTS Controller
FACTS FACTS stands for Flexible AC Transmission System. It is a power electronics-based system where…