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Editor’s Pick

Moving Iron Instrument | Advantages & Disadvantages

Moving Iron Instrument There are indicating instrument which are used to measure current & voltage. In moving iron instrument the…

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Types of Controller | I, D, PD, P, PI, PID Control

Introduction A controller is like the boss of a control system. It's responsible for keeping everything running smoothly. Think of…

Piezoresistive | Construction, Working, Advantages, and Application
Norton,s Theorem
Norton’s Theorem
  • June 5, 2023
B.Tech – Electrical Engineering Previous Year Question Papers Download

B.Tech 2nd Semester 2023 PapersDownload B.Tech Electrical Engineering 3rd Semester 2021 PapersDownload B.Tech Electrical Engineering 3rd Semester Feb-2022 PapersDownload BTech…

Circuit Theorem | Thevenin's Theorem

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Electrical Resonance Type Frequency Meter
Electrical Resonance Type Frequency Meter

Frequency Meter A frequency meter is a device used to measure the frequency of an…

Hot Wire Instrument
Hot Wire Instrument | Construction & Working

Hot Wire Instrument The instruments which use the heating of the current for knowing their…

PMMC Instrument Construction & Working Advantages & Disadvantages
Permanent Magnet Moving Coil | Construction and Working

PMMC A permanent magnet moving coil instrument can measure DC voltage & current. The working…

Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)
Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)

Bipolar Junction Transistor A bipolar junction transistor is a three terminal semiconductor device consists of…

Explain Construction and Working of Autotransformer
Explain Construction and Working of Autotransformer

Autotransformer An autotransformer is a type of electrical transformer with only one winding. In an…

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YouTube Channel – HSS A2Z

Filter | Single, Double, and Triple Tuned Filters

Design of a Single-Tuned Filter The single-tuned filters are designed to filter out (usually) characteristic…

Internet of Things | Functional Block of IoT, Characteristics and Application

Internet of Things Internet of Things (IoT) means connecting everyday objects to the internet using…

Superposition Theorem | Procedure, Limitations, and Applications

Introduction The superposition theorem states that the voltage or current in any part of a linear…

Latent Heat Storage | Material, Systems, and Applications

Introduction Researchers are exploring new and renewable energy sources to reduce CO2 emissions from fossil…

Energy Management | Need and Environmental Aspects

Energy Management The term energy management refers to the saving of energy. This notably means…

DIAC | Diode for Alternating Current

Introduction of DIAC DIAC simply stated as "Direct for alternating current". A DIAC is a…