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Moving Iron Instrument | Advantages & Disadvantages

Moving Iron Instrument There are indicating instrument which are used to measure current & voltage. In moving iron instrument the…

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Types of Controller | I, D, PD, P, PI, PID Control

Introduction A controller is like the boss of a control system. It's responsible for keeping everything running smoothly. Think of…

Piezoresistive | Construction, Working, Advantages, and Application
Norton,s Theorem
Norton’s Theorem
  • June 5, 2023
B.Tech – Electrical Engineering Previous Year Question Papers Download

B.Tech 2nd Semester 2023 PapersDownload B.Tech Electrical Engineering 3rd Semester 2021 PapersDownload B.Tech Electrical Engineering 3rd Semester Feb-2022 PapersDownload BTech…

Circuit Theorem | Thevenin's Theorem

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Radar| Block Diagram, Working Principle and its Applications
Radar | Block Diagram, Working Principle and it’s Applications

Radar RADAR stands for "Radio Detection and Ranging System". Radar is a detection system that…

Unified Power Flow Controller | Control, Protection, and Charactersitcs
Unified Power Flow Controller | Control, Protection, and Charactersitcs

UPFC The Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) proposed by Gyugyi is the most versatile FACTS…

Layout of Substations | Types, Advantages, and Applications
Layout of Substations | Types, Advantages and Applications

Introduction A substation is a crucial part of an electrical supply system that helps transfer…

Starting of Electric Drive | Effect, Methods, and Energy Relations
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Introduction The most important processes associated with a controlled electrical drive are: (i) Starting (ii)…

Rating and Heating of Motors
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Rating and Heating of Motors The size and rating of an electric motor essential for…

Processes and Threads in Operating System
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Process and Threads Processes and Threads in Operating System is an abstraction of a running…

Multiple Access Techniques for Wireless Communication
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Multiple Access Techniques Multiple Accessing is also called Multiple Destinations because the transmission from each…

Static Synchronous Compensator
STATCOM | Static Synchronous Compensator

Introduction Static Synchronous Compensator was developed as an advanced static VAR compensator where a voltage…

SSSC | Operation, Modelling, and Applications
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SSSC The Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) is a series-connected FACTS controller based on VSC…

Internet Of Things | Functional block of IoT, Characteristics and Application
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Economic Laws | Types, Features or Nature

Introduction Like all other sciences, economics collects facts and undertakes systematic study. The facts are…

Macro Economics | Scope, Uses, and Limitations

'Macro' as used in the English language originates in the Greek word Makros, meaning large.…

Buchholz Relay | Construction and Working Principle

Buchholz Relay For a protection of transformer Buchholz relay in transformer is mounted on the…

100% Free Online Course | Free Govt. Verified Certificate

Free Online Course This 100% free online course is Organized by Central Institute of Educational…

Block Diagram Reduction | Control System

Block diagram reduction are interconnected together for arranging a complete control system. In order to…

Improving Coverage and Capacity in Cellular System

Introduction Improving Coverage and Capacity in Cellular System was the first cellular mobile telephone network…