Sr. No. | Microprocessor | Microcontroller |
1. | A microprocessor is a general purpose device which is called CPU. | A microcontroller is a single chip which is also called single chip computer. |
2. | It is flexible in design. | It is less flexible in design. |
3. | In these, the clock rate is fast. | In these, the clock slow. |
4. | It is very costly. | It is less costly as compared to microprocessor. |
5. | A microprocessor has zero status flag. | A microcontroller has no zero flag. |
6. | It is large system in size. | It is small system in size. |
7. | It has single memory chip for data and code. | It has separate memory for data and code. |
8. | It has one or two bit handling instuctions. | It has many bit handling instructions. |
9. | These system is required more hardware. | Less hardware is required for this system. |
10. | Do not have inbuilt RAM or ROM | Inbuilt RAM or ROM. |
11. | Input output ports are available. | Input output ports are not available, requires extra device like 8155 or 8255. |
Difference between Microprocessor & Microcontroller
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