S.No. | Microeconomics | Macroeconomics |
1. | Microeconomics focuses on the choices made by individual consumers. | Macroeconomics studies the economic progress and steps taken by a nation. |
2. | It studies the particular market segment of the economy. | It studies the whole economy, that covers several market segments. |
3. | It is applied to internal issues. | It is applied to environmental and external issues. |
4. | Microeconomics firstly deals with individual income, output, price of goods, etc. | Macroeconomics is the study of collection such as national output income, as well as general price levels. |
5. | It helps to point how equilibrium can be achieved at a small scale. | It help to determine the equilibrium levels of employment and income of the nation. |
6. | It is useful to the government in framing economic policies  such as taxation policy. | It helps in the formulation of Economic Policies. |
7. | Analyzes demand & supply of goods. | Analyzes aggregate demamnd & aggregate supply. |
8. | The main components of microeconomics are as follows: – Theory of Supply – Theory of Demand – Theory of Factor Price. | The main components of macroeconomics are as follows : – Theory of Distribution – Theory of Income & Employment – Theory of Monetary. |
9. | Examples of Microeconomics are :- individuals, households, firms, industries. | Examples of Macroeconomics are :- national output, Overall Price-Level, Aggregate Unemployment. |
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