Latent Heat Storage | Material, Systems, and Applications
Latent Heat Storage | Material, Systems, and Applications

Introduction Researchers are exploring new and renewable energy sources to reduce CO2 emissions from fossil fuels, especially for low-temperature applications. Solar energy has great potential for heating and cooling buildings,…

Thermochemical Energy Storage | Principle, Types, and Requirements
Thermochemical Energy Storage | Principle, Types, and Requirements

Introduction Thermochemical energy storage is highly efficient for saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Compared to other types of energy storage, like sensible heat (storing heat by changing temperature)…

MTDC and DC Systems | Control, Protection, and Study
MTDC and DC Systems | Control, Protection, and Study

There are several methods of control in MTDC systems. Only parallel MTDC systems are considered as these involve complexities in extending the existing control methods. The various methods suggested are…

AC Filters | Design, Criteria, and Types
AC Filters | Design, Criteria, and Types

Criteria of Design The major design objective of AC filters is to reduce telephone interference. Any of the following performance indices can measure this. Harmonic Distortion This can be measured…

Filter | Single, Double, and Triple Tuned Filters
Filter | Single, Double, and Triple Tuned Filters

Design of a Single-Tuned Filter The single-tuned filters are designed to filter out (usually) characteristic harmonies of a single frequency. The equivalent circuit seen by the harmonic current Ih generated…

MTDC | Introduction, Potential Applications, and Types
MTDC | Introduction, Potential Applications, and Types

Introduction HVDC transmission systems designed and operated so far are point-to-point systems with two terminals (converter stations). A multiterminal DC (MTDC) system has more than two converter stations, some operating…

DC Filters | Criteria, Carrier Frequency, and RI Noise
DC Filters | Criteria, Carrier Frequency, and RI Noise

Criteria of Design The harmonics in the DC voltage across the converter contain characteristic and non-characteristic orders. These harmonics result in current harmonics in DC lines and cause noise in…

Harmonics | Introduction, Generation, and Non - Characteristics
Harmonics | Introduction, Generation, and Non – Characteristics

Introduction HVDC converters introduce both AC and DC harmonics which are injected into the AC system and DC line respectively. There are several problems associated with the injection of harmonics…

Reactive Power Control | Requirement, Sources, and Transients
Reactive Power Control | Requirement, Sources, and Transients

Introduction The converters in conventional HVDC power stations are line-commutated, which implies that the current initiation in the valve can only be delayed concerning the zero crossing of the converter…

Smoothing Reactor and DC Line | Transient overvoltages, Protection, and Effects
Smoothing Reactor and DC Line | Transient overvoltages, Protection, and Effects

Introduction The smoothing reactor is connected before the DC filter and in series with the converters. Apart from smoothing the direct current, it also serves as a buffer between the…