Waveguide | Types, Characteristics, Parameters, and Advantages
Waveguide | Types, Characteristics, Parameters, and Advantages

Introduction A hollow metallic tube of uniform cross-section for transmitting electromagnetic waves by successive reflection from the inner wall of the tube is called a waveguide. A waveguide is a…

Biomass gasifier Construction, Working, and Disadvantages
Biomass Gasifier | Construction, Working, and Disadvantages

Introduction Gasification is a process that turns biomass or fossil fuels into gases like nitrogen (N2), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H2), and carbon dioxide (CO2). This happens by heating the…

Static Phase Shifting Transformer | Configurations and Improvement
Static Phase Shifting Transformer | Configurations and Improvement

Introduction Static Phase Shifting Transformer or Phase-shifting transformers (PST) have been in use since the 1930s for control of power flows in transmission lines in a steady state. The primary…

Load Dispatch Center | Types, Function, and Objective
Load Dispatch Center | Types, Function, and Objective

Introduction All power plants are linked through a grid in an interconnected power system. The Load Dispatch Centre (LDC) manages these plants to ensure efficient operation. It coordinates, plans, controls,…

Electromagnetic Flow Meter | Construction, Working Principle, and Limitations
Electromagnetic Flow Meter | Construction, Working Principle, and Limitations

Introduction A magnetic flow meter, also known as a mag meter or electromagnetic flow meter, measures the flow of a fluid by using the voltage generated as the fluid moves…

Electronic Flow Meter | Working Principle, Types, and Advantages
Electronic Flow Meter | Working Principle, Types, and Advantages

An electronic flow meter measures the flow of liquids and gases in industries. Common types include electromagnetic, vortex and ultrasonic flow meters. They can measure things like water, gasoline, and…

Types of Biomass Gasifier
Types of Biomass Gasifier

Biomass Gasifier Biomass gasifiers convert organic materials into gas for energy production. The main types are updraft and downdraft gasifiers. Updraft gasifiers draw air in from the bottom and expel…

Layout of Feeder | Radial, Parallel, Ring Main and Interconnected
Layout of Feeder | Radial, Parallel, Ring Main and Interconnected

Introduction A feeder carries electricity to a substation, bus, or several loads. Different substation feeder arrangements are explained in this article. A feeder can connect two substation buses in parallel…

Distribution Automation | Introduction, Benefits, and Applications
Distribution Automation | Introduction, Benefits, and Applications

Introduction Distribution Automation (DA) is a collection of technologies like sensors, processors, communication networks, and switches that help utilities collect, automate, analyze, and optimize data. This improves the efficiency of…

Sensible Heat Storage | Methods, Key Features, and Disadvantages
Sensible Heat Storage | Methods, Key Features, and Disadvantages

Introduction The simplest method for storing heat is through sensible heat storage. This involves increasing the temperature of a liquid or solid to store heat and releasing the heat by…