
An operational amplifier (OP-AMP) is a very stable amplifier that can be used for a large number of linear operation.

image credits  - monolothic power  system

Basic Operational Amplifier

The operational amplifier (OP-AMP) is a very high gain, differential (two inputs of opposite polarity) amplifier with a high input impedance and a low output impedance.

(1) Single Ended Operation of OP-AMP

When an input signal is connected to one input terminal (non-inverting input) and the second input terminal is connected to the ground (inverting input).

(2) Double Ended Operation of OP-AMP

The amplified output is then in phase with the applied signals at both inputs.

operational amplifier

An operational amplifier, or op-amp for short, is an electronic device that can amplify weak electric signals.

image credits  -  ABLIC Inc.

Input offset voltage

When the two input voltages (i.e. V₁, V₂) of an OP-amp are made equal, then the output of ideal OP-amp is zero.

image credits  - Toshiba electronics

OP-AMP as an integrator

When the output of OP-AMP is proportional to the integral of the input voltage, then such an amplifier is known as the OP-AMP integrator.

image credits  - Digikey

OP-AMP as a differentiator

When the output of OP-AMP is proportional to the integral of the input voltage, then such an amplifier is known as the OP-AMP integrator.

image credits  - Hackatronic


The OP-AMP provides voltage changes, oscillations, filtration, etc. in many types of electronics and communication circuits.

image credits  - Rathy electrocic