Supply : Law of Supply
Supply : Law of Supply

What is Supply? Supply is a quantity of a commodity that a producer is willing…

Difference between CISC & RISC
Difference between CISC & RISC

CISC :- CISC stands for complex instruction set computer. RISC :- RISC stands for reduced…

Output Equation of Transformer
Output Equation of Transformer

Output Equation The output equation of transformer in KVA is to be related with its…

comparision between microcontroller vs microprocessor, 11 difference on microcontroller and microprocessor
Difference between Microprocessor & Microcontroller

Sr. No.MicroprocessorMicrocontroller1.A microprocessor is a general purpose device which is called CPU. A microcontroller is…

Globalisation in economics
Globalisation | Impacts of Globalisation

Introduction of Globalisation Globalisation simply means that combining the economy of the country with the…